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Certified in Production and Inventory Management [CPIM]

Seller: Institute for Integrated Supply Chain Management (IISCM)

The Certified in Production and Inventory Management [CPIM] is a professional certification, provided by APICS since 1973, recognized globally as a standard in production and inventory management. So far there are more than 1,00,000 professionals who have achieved this designation to showcase their commitment to the profession. This certification enhances the professional value of the individual, increases the earning potential and provides a career advantage over peers. One can learn necessary terminologies, concepts and strategies related to various knowledge areas like procurement and supplier planning, demand management, MRP, capacity requirements planning, sales and operations plannig, master scheduling, performance measurements, supplier relationships, etc.

Fhyzics, an International Channel Partner (ICP) of APICS, USA offers end-to-end support which includes membership, training, learning materials, weekly review sessions, application support, pre-examination review and examination credit.